
What is Prokera?

Prokera is made from amniotic membrane which has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-scarring properties. It is the only FDA-cleared therapeutic device used by eye care practitioners to provide quick symptom relief and reduce inflammation associated with ocular surface disease. It helps restore your cornea and return your eye to a normal, healthy state.

What is amniotic membrane tissue?

Amniotic membrane is part of the placenta and is the tissue closest to the baby throughout development in the womb. Amniotic Membrane protects the baby from any harm and has natural biologic actions which help the baby develop. The tissue has biological properties that aid in ocular surface repair.

The amniotic membrane tissue in Prokera has natural therapeutic actions that help damaged eye surfaces heal. Eyes treated with Prokera have less scarring and less inflammation. The amniotic membrane in Prokera is thin and clear like the tissue on the surface of your eye and protects your eye’s damaged tissue while inserted.

What does Prokera treat?

Prokera is used by eye doctors to treat eye diseases such as keratitis, corneal scars, chemical burns, corneal defects, partial limbal stem cell deficiency and many other ocular surface diseases with inflammation.

​​​​​​​Prokera is provided by a tissue bank regulated by the FDA. The tissue has passed many quality control tests before it is provided to your doctor. Ask your doctor if you are concerned about the risks involved with using a human tissue

Is Prokera safe?

Prokera is a safe treatment provided by an FDA-regulated tissue bank. The tissue is donated from healthy mothers who have had c-sections. The donor and tissue have passed numerous quality control tests including social habits, physical and medical screening before it is provided to your doctor.

What should you expect?

Prokera is similar to a large contact lens. You may experience awareness of the ring but it is not painful. Your eye doctor may use tape to partially close your eyelid after Prokera is inserted.

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